Knock-Knock 歌詞 (WK Music Library Rhythm)

Wah-wah (Wah-wah)
My baby wants more
(My baby wants more)
Wah-wah (Wah-wah)

Oh, no! (Oh, no! )
I dropped it on the floor
(I dropped it on the floor)
Oh, no! (Oh, no!)

Knock-knock (Knock-knock)
There’s someone at the door
(There’s someone at the door)
Knock-knock (Knock-knock)

It’s you! (It’s you!)
You got home early (You got home early)
It’s you! (It’s you!)

ワーワー 赤ちゃんがもっとほしがっているわ
ああ、どうしよう! 床に落としちゃった
コツコツ 玄関に誰か来たわ
あなたね! 早かったわね


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